Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Offering online and in-person therapy sessions


Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Anxiety

  • Indecisiveness

  • A tough inner critic

  • Feeling disconnected from or tired around others

  • Low self-esteem

  • Confusion around trusting your “gut”

  • Deep, sometimes inexplicable feelings of guilt

  • A heavy focus on wanting to make others like you

  • Trouble with saying “no” to favors and other requests

  • A nagging feeling you’re doing something wrong or there may be something wrong with you

There’s good news!

These are not inherent traits people are born with and you are not bound to eternally struggle with these things! We all grow up in homes with both spoken and unspoken messages. In fact, sometimes the unspoken messages can be more powerful than the spoken ones.

You may have grown up in a home with high expectations for success (whether stated or unstated), with a single parent with limited time or attention, with caregivers who meant well but who were “workaholics,” controlling, highly focused on academic success, emotionally unavailable, or in a home where your authentic voice somehow was not heard.

Although we may not be aware of it, our backgrounds have a huge impact on our current behaviors and challenges, even if those backgrounds are 5, 10, 20, etc. years in the past.

Change is possible.

Through this therapy, which focuses on what is happening in the here-and-now, you will have the opportunity to uncover the roots of your current challenges. These discoveries, within the lived experience of the therapy, can lead to profound shifts in how you feel and communicate with others.

And although you may have talked about similar topics in therapy before, you may not have actually experienced any shifts; the connection with the therapist is a very important factor in this distinction. These experiences will give you the chance to discover your authentic voice and, possibly for the first time, live life from a place of YOUR choosing. Living life from this place of authenticity can feel like a totally different experience!